APS Bank plc 58
Internal Control and Risk Management System
Board responsibility
The Board, supported by the Risk Committee and Audit Committee, oversees the system of internal
controls, corporate governance and risk management frameworks, ensuring they are in line with
applicable rules, regulations and guidelines, and assumes responsibility for establishing the purpose of
the Bank, setting its strategy, establishing its culture and determining the values to be observed in
achieving that strategy. The Directors and senior management are committed to maintaining a robust
control framework as the foundation for the delivery of effective risk management. The Directors
acknowledge their responsibilities in relation to the Bank’s risk management and internal control
systems, and for reviewing their effectiveness.
In establishing and reviewing the risk management and internal control systems on an ongoing basis,
the Directors carry out a robust assessment of the most significant and emerging risks facing the Bank,
including those that would threaten its business model, future performance, solvency or liquidity, and
reputation, the likelihood of a risk event occurring and the costs of control. The process for
identification, evaluation and management of the risk events faced by the Bank is integrated into the
Bank’s overall framework for risk governance. The risk identification, evaluation and management
process also cover an assessment of whether the controls in place result in an acceptable level of
residual risk. As mentioned above, the Risk Appetite Statement and Risk Appetite Dashboard are
presented to and reviewed and debated regularly by the Risk Committee and the Board, in the presence
of the Chief Risk Officer, to ensure that the Board is satisfied with the overall risk profile, risk
accountabilities and mitigating actions. Monthly and quarterly Dashboards provide a view of the Bank’s
overall risk profile, key risks and management actions, together with performance against risk appetite
and an assessment of emerging risks which could affect the Bank’s performance over the life of the
operating profile and assists in the strategy that is set up.
Control effectiveness review
The Bank’s control effectiveness is carried out following the ‘three lines of defence’ model with an aim
to evaluate the effectiveness of the Bank’s control framework in its widest sense, with regard to its
material risks, and to ensure management actions are in place to address key gaps or weaknesses in
the control framework. The second line of defence, manifesting itself in reporting to the Risk Committee,
is responsible for the design and implementation of the risk management framework and for risk
reporting to senior management and the Board. As a third line of defence, the Internal Audit function
provides independent assurance to senior management and the Board that the Group’s control
framework and the risk management process are operating effectively. The Audit Committee receives
reports from the Bank’s statutory auditors, Deloitte (which include details of significant internal control
matters that they have identified), and it has discussions with the statutory auditors at least twice a
year, to ensure that there are no unresolved issues of concern.
In terms of Capital Markets Rules 5.117, 5.118 and 5.118A, the Audit Committee is composed of three Non-
Executive Directors, two of whom are considered as independent of the Bank, since they are free from
any business, family or other relationship with the Bank or its management that may create a conflict
of interest such as to impair their judgement (see also Principle 3 on pages 47 to 48). Until 31 December
2022, the Committee was composed of three members, Franco Azzopardi (Chair), Alfred DeMarco and
Juanito Camilleri. As from 1 January 2023, Joseph C. Attard joined the Audit Committee. The Committee
members’ bio may be found on pages 7 to 11. Franco Azzopardi is the member who the Board considers
as competent in accounting. In view of the diverse skills and professional experience of each of the
Audit Committee Members, the Bank considers the Audit Committee as a whole to have the adequate
competence and meet the independence criteria as required by Capital Markets Rule 5.118.