Statement of compliance with the principles of Good Corporate Governance - continued
Principle 3: Composition of the Board (continued)
For the purpose of Code Provision 3.2, three (3) of the Directors are considered by the Board to be independent within the meaning of the Capital Markets Rules, such independent Directors being Dr. Stanley Portelli, Mr. Mario Vella, and Mr. William Wait.
The non-executive Directors contribute to the strategic development of the Company and the creation of long-term growth of the Company and are responsible for:
•constructively challenging and developing strategy;
•monitoring reporting of performance;
•scrutinising performance of management; and
•ensuring the integrity of financial information, financial controls and risk management systems.
Save as disclosed above, none of the non-executive Directors of the Company:
a)are or have been employed in any capacity by the Company;
b)receive significant additional remuneration from the Company;
c)have close family ties with any of the executive members of the Board;
d)have been within the last three (3) years an engagement partner or a member of the audit team of the present or past external auditor of the Company; and
e)have a significant business relationship with the Company.
In terms of Code Provision 3.4, each non-executive Director has declared in writing to the Board that he undertakes:
•to maintain in all circumstances his/her independence of analysis, decision and action;
•not to seek or accept any unreasonable advantages that could be considered as compromising his independence; and
•to clearly express his opposition in the event that he finds that a decision of the Board may harm the Company.
Each non-executive Director has complied with the aforementioned undertaking for the period under review.
Principle 4 and 5: The Responsibilities of the Board and Board Meetings
The Board of Directors is entrusted with the overall direction, administration and management of the Company and meets on a regular basis to discuss and take decisions on matters concerning the strategy, operational performance and financial performance of the Company.
In fulfilling its mandate, the Board assumes responsibility to:
a)establish appropriate corporate governance standards;
b)review, evaluate and approve, on a regular basis, long-term plans for the Company;
c)review, evaluate and approve the Company’s budgets, forecasts and financial statements;
d)review, evaluate and approve major resource allocations and capital investments;
e)review the financial and operating results of the Company;
f)ensure appropriate policies and procedures are in place to manage risks and internal control;
g)review, evaluate and approve the overall corporate organisation structure;
h)review, evaluate and approve compensation to Directors;
i)ensure effective communication with shareholders, bondholders, other stakeholders and the market.